During the crisis of CORONA Pandemic, our experienced team is all set to serve the society. Thus, the management of any organization can contact us to sanitize their premises.

Sanitization is carried out with the following disinfectants:
1. Johnson Diversey Virex II 256
Broad spectrum disinfectant-Bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal.
Provides a one-stop solution for cleaning, disinfection, and odor control.
The solution does not damage floors, walls, countertops, porcelain or plastics in hospitals, schools daycares, offices, schools, etc.
Disinfects high touch surfaces within minutes.
Lockdown is the best way to control the spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19). However, total lockdown for longtime is a hypothetical concept. As we all need the daily essentials, thus sometimes we need to go outside, to get them.
Frequently touched areas like tabletops, chair handles, pens, diary files, keyboards, mouse, mouse pad, tea/coffee dispensing machines, etc. can especially be cleaned by freshly prepared 1% sodium hypochlorite.
Scientifically proven that sodium hypochlorite is an effective disinfectant having broad applications. Its active ingredient, sodium hypochlorite, is effective in killing bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
High contact surfaces such elevator buttons, handrails/handles and call buttons, escalator handrails, public counters, Desk cubical, chairs, equipment like telephone, printers/scanners, and other office machines can be cleaned twice daily by wiping/ swapping with a linen/absorbable cloth soaked in 1% sodium hypochlorite.
Therefore, Use of Mask and Sanitization is the 2nd best method to control the spread of Coronavirus. Thus, it is recommended to adopt the habit of personal hygiene, and use the hand-Sanitizers on a regular basis.